"All media work us over completely"
There is no escaping the media. In all forms, shapes, and sizes its coming down the tube and into our brains whether we like it or not. While reading through I immediately connected to the MTV show "The Jersey Shore". Everybody loved it while at the same time despised it for its unimaginable level of absurdity. However, we watched it. It was disturbing and has left us asking why? How was it possible that media was able to pull and stunt like that and project these people onto the big screen?
Media has more control then you think. McLuchan's book gives us the answers to these questions and exposes the unseen.
Knowing The Medium is The Massage was first published in 1967 and still rings truth within our society now then when it was written, is saying something. This process of being "worked over" is not knew and has been going on for a very long time. Some people are just too blind to recognize it. However, for the people living above a rock… this won't be too hard of a task.